Apex UMC Confirmation 2021 Information
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation Class is the next step in a youth’s faith formation journey. During Confirmation, we learn some foundational things of what we believe, what it means to be a Christian, what it means to be a Methodist, and what it means to be a member of the Apex UMC Family. Confirmation is the beginning of youth taking ownership for their own faith, rather than following the faith of their parents. When a youth graduates from our ministry we want them to be able to articulate what they believe, and why they believe it. Confirmation provides a valuable space for youth to begin to wrestle with some big questions including, what do I believe? Will you have all the answers after Confirmation? No, faith is a lifelong journey, but we do hope you will have some of the tools needed for the next phase of your faith development.
Who can be part of Confirmation?
Confirmation is available for youth in eighth grade and up. This is a change from previous years. Over the last several years our youth staff team has wrestled with moving the age Confirmation begins because of some of the developmental differences between a sixth grader and an eighth grader and where they are within their own faith formation. This year, with having to move confirmation online, we felt like the need for this change was accelerated. Having middle schoolers dive deeper and think critically about theology and what it means to own your faith for yourself can be challenging under the best of circumstances, and an online only format for discussion makes that even more difficult. We believe that this change sets up our younger middle schoolers for a better Confirmation experience going forward.
When is Confirmation?
Confirmation will be an 11-week (including the retreat) online class that starts on January 10 and finishes with Confirmation Sunday on April 11.
What will we talk about at Confirmation?
January 10: A Life-Long Journey of Faith & Introduction to Confirmation
January 17: God & The Old Testament
January 24: Who is Jesus?
January 31: Who is the Holy Spirit?
February 7: Sin & Salvation
February 14: Prayer & The Bible
February 21: What is a Christian?
February 28: What does God Expect of Me?
March 7: What is a United Methodist?
March 14: My Commitment to Christ
March 19-20: Confirmation Retreat: Telling Your Story
April 11: Confirmation Sunday (tentative)
Parents & Confirmation
We know and believe that no one has a greater influence on a youth’s spiritual development than their parents. That is why for this important mile marker in a youth’s spiritual journey we have parents partner with them by serving as a Confirmation mentor.
$30 per youth (helps cover the cost of the retreat and some supplies)
Can both parents participate in the class either taking turns or just doing it together?
Yes. Both parents can participate in the class or switch as needed during the course of the 10 weeks.
How do I register?
Beginning November 1, you can register here to be a part of our 2021 Confirmation Class. Registration closes on December 13.